AR Instagram filter for the music festival Polygon Instagram story concept for National Cyber Security Centre AR Instagram filter for Garden Day UK Instagram AR game for KCLSU Social media campaign for Budlight Motion Design for CAR.O.L UI concept for clothes shopping appFull concept here Microsite and Photography for Black History campaign / Greenwich Students Union UI concept. Full concept here Clearing 2020 campaign - University of Greenwich Clearing 2020 campaign - University of Greenwich Clearing 2020 campaign - University of Greenwich Animation for the Coronavirus campaign of the UK Research and Innovation Social media video for the University of Greenwich Freshers Ball Concept campaign video for AXE/Lynx Experimental Kinetic typography Motion Design for Polygon Live Homepage UI/UX design for Greenwich Students Union Homepage UI/UX design for Welcome 2018 / Greenwich Students Union Homepage UI/UX design for Welcome 2020 / Greenwich Students Union